For the travelers, the explorers, the wanderers... those that want to see the world they have yet to uncover...
Notecards on bright white cardstock and white envelopes.
A2 size (4 3/8 x 5 ¾ envelope)
Choose between a full pack (2 cards with each quote below) or a half pack (1 card with each quote below):
Don't travel as an escape from your life. Travel so your life doesn't escape you.
It should never be about the destination. Be sure to always make it about the journey.
See the world as a traveler, not as a tourist.
I want to travel the world: Hear unfamiliar sounds. Breathe the air of new places. Take in the views of different landscapes. Feel the soil of unknown land beneath my feet. I want to broaden my soul to new horizons.
Travel is all about the humbling and exciting feeling of experiencing the unknown.
I’m already in love with cities I've never seen and cultures I have yet to explore.
© Evolutionare, LLC 2014